Youth Day Camp at the Winter Cycling Congress Conference
Friday, February 8 at 8:30am. Event starts at 8:30 am and ends at 5:00 pm
Meet At:
Calgary Municipal Building
Notes: Register online and receive more details
By: Winter Cycling Congress
Is riding to school part of your child's morning routine? Does your child use their bike to get around the neighbourhood? If so, consider signing them up to attend this free day camp for children aged 10-15 years (Grades 5-9). We are actively recruiting youth who like to bike in fair weather, those who are curious about trying cycling year-round, and those who already ride all year.
The 7th Annual International Winter Cycling Congress is hosting its first-ever concurrent Youth Day Camp on Friday, February 8, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.
Registered youth will meet at the Calgary Municipal building at 8:30 a.m. for bike drop-off and registration. The youth day events will be held at the new Central Library and outdoors in the East Village.
The free all-day event includes:
Free catered box lunch
Keynote speaker
Outdoor scavenger hunt
Lunch & learn with Two Wheel View on bike maintenance basics
Inspire your classmates to walk and roll to school! A workshop identifying strategies to encourage more active travel to school hosted by EverActive
Youth-Friendly Street Design: a workshop about re-designing our streets to be safer for people cycling, walking and taking public transportation hosted by Urban Systems
Group ride to Bike to Work Day events at the Peace Bridge (and return trip)
Opportunity to meet other youth from around the city who also use their bikes to get around, go to school, etc.