Cyclepalooza Volunteer Party

Friday, July 13 at 7:00pm. Meet ay 7:00pm - we'll stick at the hop for a while to collect everyone

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By: Colin
A big thank you to all the 2012 Cyclepalooza volunteers and steering members! We couldn't have had 50 events and hundreds of participants enjoy bike fun without you!

As a thank you we'd like to invite you out for a pub crawl (on bikes of course). Please join us at the Hop in Brew at 7:00pm - we'll stick around for a while and then meander off to whatever pub isn't currently being destroyed by stampede 🙂

We have some prizes and fun times planned so please come! Bring lights and a bike lock!

*** This event is for 2012 Cyclepalooza Volunteers only (sorry everyone else) ***

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