YYC Green Buildings Bike Tour
Sunday, July 16 at 10:00am. Please register online by Friday, July 14 at noon MST, or in-person at 9:30am before the event starts (space is limited).
Meet At:
Notes: Starts At SAIT Green Building Technologies Lab and Demonstration Centre
Contact Info:
Please review the details on the CaGBC website for further details, and for requirements to attend this event.
By: Emerging Green Professionals
Join us for a unique and leisurely green building bike tour near Calgary’s downtown core. This event is FREE to attend, please RSVP on the CaGBC website (see below) by Friday, July 14 at noon MST, or in-person at 9:30am before the event starts (space is limited).
Connect with the Canada Green Building Council Alberta Chapter for a bike tour of some of Calgary’s newest green buildings:
Join the Southern Alberta Emerging Green Professionals, in collaboration with 4 Elements Integrated Design and Cyclepalooza for this must-attend Tour of Green Buildings, by bike. Come along as we learn from the designer and homeowners how GREEN has changed their homes, and lives.
Guided tour suited to all levels of cyclists and all shades of green:
Tour will include certified projects (including a LEED Platinum home) featuring:
• Low maintenance landscaping
• Rainwater harvesting
• Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels
• High performance mechanical and ventilation systems
• High performance envelope
• Xeriscaping
• And more!