Yarn Bomb yo' Bike!
Sunday, July 12 at 1:00pm
Contact Info:
403 457 0766
This event will run rain or shine!
By: Veronica Murphy
Visit us on the front deck of STASH and get your bicycle yarn-bombed! We will be providing free demos on how to measure your bicycles for custom knit or crochet yarn bombing pieces, and can also help you yarn bomb your bicycles with supplies that we have available. Don’t know how to knit or crochet? That’s fine, we have ways around that (Can you say pom poms?!) and we will do our best to help you add a bit of fun and whimsy to your sweet ride. STASH is only two blocks off of the Calgary trail system, in the heart of Inglewood. This is a free event, but please register by visiting our website at http://stashlounge.com/cyclepalooza2015