ScorchersYYC Ride
Saturday, May 24 at 7:30pm. Meet at 7pm ride leaves 7:30pm sharp
Contact Info:
By: @ScorchersYYC
Nosehill 40 Pounder
*ScorchersYYC rides are fixie focused, usually kinda fast, usually kinda far, and usually involve too much partying. You can ride whatever you want but fixies/singlespeeds are encouraged.*

Is this a road ride or MTB ride? Do I show up on my bike or with my bike on my hitch on my Jeep – where exactly do we meet in Eau claire. Thanks
Hey JP
Its a road ride for fixie riders. You can bring your road bike if you like.
We leave from Eau Claire and return back there.
We like to smash beers in our face too.
Hey Scorchers!
If the weather is good y’all are invited to my place in Bankview for a post ride firepit.
Your Fearless Leader,