ScorchersYYC Club Ride

Saturday, June 20 at 7:00pm

Meet At:

Eau Claire Square, out font of the Y
Notes: Meet at 7, leave at 730

Contact Info:

403 457 2453
By: ScorchersYYC
Fun factory. Fixie lovers. Pain hounds. Party animals. Bikeovernights. Brothers and sisters united in rowdy. All rides meet at Eau Claire 7pm. Bring good lights. Don't be a dummy.

Ride a fixie and finish the patch rides - you earn the patch, and you're in the club.

**Patch Ride!**

Heading out towards Chestermere. Some are staying the night at Mushroom Marsh to enjoy the Summer Solstice, some are riding back. Either way, if you complete the ride on a fixie, you've earned the patch and are in the gang.

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