NiceGuys "Where's Waldo?"
Saturday, June 28 at 12:00pm. starts 12:30 sharp
By: NiceGuys
Waldo will be taking a leisurely bike ride through the downtown and belt-line in Calgary on Saturday June 28th! Exciting we know!
The game is simple; at the start each team/individual will be given a map with quadrants and times. You will have to navigate through the city to try and find Waldo. Once found, Waldo will give you a token which you must bring back to Eau Claire Square (the start and finish). The team with the most tokens at the end of the time wins.
Lots of fun to have and lots of prizes to win.
Cost is $10 per team.
Beware, there is only ONE waldo, false ones will be around.

Hi there! Just wondering about the distances involved here…want to do this for a birthday party for a 12 yr old…
Hello. How many people are allowed in each group? Is the fee ($10) for each person or for the whole group?
Your team or group can be as many people as you would like to have. $10 for the whole team. Just want people to have fun on their bikes! The whole time we will stay within the river to 17 ave and center st to 8 st. You choose how and where you want to ride. you just have to find waldo!