Mrs. BikeBike's Birthday Bike Ride
Saturday, September 14 at 6:00pm. We roll at 6pm - if it's rainy and gross the ride is cancelled
By: Mr. BikeBike
Mrs. BikeBike - aka - Nadia is celebrating her 50th! year on Planet Earth and she wants to celebrate with a bike ride and bonfire/bbq with all her #yycbike friends.
The ride will follow the familiar-to-many format:
Meet at BikeBike at 6pm, group ride on the river pathways to Edworthy, burn all the wood and dubes once we're there, and have a merry time.
If it is rainy and nasty out the ride is cancelled. Call the shop on the day of you are unsure if we're going - or - just show up at the shop to offer bday wishes to the birthday girl.