Gender Equality Magic (G.E.M.) Night
Wednesday, December 3 at 4:00pm. Drop-in any time
Repeats: Every Wednesday
By: Aoife & Kayla
Gender Equality Magic (GEM) Night at The Good Life Community Bicycle Shop: Open shop hours 4PM-7PM with support in whatever way you like for all your D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself)/D.I.T. (Do It Together) mechanical and community-building needs. Drop in whenever you like and feel free to bring snacks and so on.
Goals: To provide a safe and welcoming space for people who may feel disempowered by a male dominated atmosphere. Also to make friends, have fun, and build community!
Who this night is for: Women, Trans*, Neutra, Non Binary, Gender Questioning

So, if I wanted to change out my rear cassette and needed help, including tools, I could come on one of these nights and get help with it?