G.E.M (Gender Empowerment Mechanics) Day
Wednesday, November 16 at 11:00am
Repeats: Every Wednesday
By: G.E.M Coordinators
G.E.M is open for dropping in any way you like without a formal schedule – we can do whatever you want!
These open shop hours 11AM-6PM every Wednesday offer participants support with all their “D.I.Y. (Do It Yourself) and D.I.T. (Do It Together)” mechanical and community-building needs. The goal is to to provide a safe, welcoming, and empowering space for people who may feel less comfortable in what’s often assumed to be a male dominated atmosphere, while also making friends, having fun, and building community!
In an effort to make our space more inviting and inclusive every day of the week, 11AM-6PM every Wednesday is reserved for women, trans and non-binary identified persons. During these days, the shop is operated only by women, transgender and non- binary people. Only those who identify as women, trans or non-binary individuals are permitted; no exceptions will be made for any reason (this includes patrons, volunteers and staff).
The purpose of GEM is to promote balance by creating a safe, welcoming space for learning, socializing and fixing bikes. Women, trans, and non-binary persons are under-represented as cyclists and in the world of bike repair; studies show a 3:1 ratio of male to female cyclists, and the numbers are even more imbalanced in the world of bike repair. THIS IS SO TRAGIC!! Bicycling is a wonderful empowering activity, and being able to keep your own bike in good working order is even more confidence-enhancing!