Exercise Your Vote | Advanced Polls Group Ride
Friday, April 12 at 6:00pm. Meet just before 6pm, ride will depart at 6pm sharp
Meet At:
South Side of Peace Bridge
Notes: Meet 17:30 - Ride Departure 18:00
Contact Info:
By: Vanessa
Exercise your vote was too good of a pun to pass up.
But in all seriousness, Alberta Provincial Election Advanced Polls will be open Tuesday, April 9th - Saturday, April 13th.
We will ride Friday, April 12th to an Advanced polling station, and anyone is welcome to join for the ride.
Ride route:
We will meet at the south side of the Peace Bridge in the Plaza starting at 17:30, the ride will depart for a leisurely pace along the south side of the Bow River pathway, through Eau Claire to East Village, where we will then cross the 'Skipping Stone Bridge' at the west end of St. Patrick's Island Park, ride west along the north Bow River Pathway to the Bridgeland CTrain Station pedestrian overpass, and ride through the community to the Rehabilitation Society of Calgary (7 - 11th Street NE).
The entire ride will take place on pathways, and will be near by to the Ctrain Stn if a bike and train boost is needed after voting.
Vanessa will act as a bike minder, unless racks are delivered to the location ahead of Friday. Folks can always join the ride en route besides the start point.
Please refer to the Elections Alberta website for any information you may require regarding voting.
Happy Voting!