Easy Rollin' Mysteries of the Southwesterny Middleburbs
Sunday, June 29 at 3:30pm. Meet 3:30, ride at 4, finish 5:30 or 6 at Heritage LRT.
By: Calvin
Escape and feel lost in the relative quiet of one part of Calgary's beautiful and mysterious southwesterny middleburbs. What ancient civilization built this sprawling, mysterious land? Oh, right! It was us! 🙂
Meet at the field west of Anderson Station(*) at 3:30 (ride departs at 4:00). End at Heritage station at 5:30 or 6:00.
We'll ride some mostly quiet streets, hit some fun weird pathways (not exactly bike paths but not exactly not bike paths) and other random bits and pieces of neighbourhoods with a little bit of very gentle dirt trails through pretty fields with flowers and dogs and sunshine and whatnot.
** Please RSVP on Facebook or by EMail ***
Or just drop me a line: psysal
** This is a MYSTERY RIDE with a SECRET ROUTE. **
It's been pretty carefully picked to be surprising and without many visible landmarks. Hopefully, we can all enjoy the feeling of being lost together (but I won't get lost, I promise...) At least, you'll see a bit different side of one small part of this great big interesting city we habitually like to call by it's airport code.
- There will be some hills to ride up.
- There is some riding on grass or dirt paths.
- In one place there is a grassy hill you might want to hike UP.
- In one other place there is a grassy hill you might want to hike DOWN.
- There will be a few curbs to bump up and down over.
- There are a few "cattle gates" which would be hard or impossible to get a cargo bike through. But if you want to bring your cargo bike just email me and we can figure it out!
- There are narrow pathways so in places we'll have to go single file.
- There are a couple alley ways.
- There is some sidewalk riding, but only in the most technical sense of the word (most of this ride is on the road or abiguously categorized paths.)
These disclaimers make it sounds scarier than it is 🙂 Really it's a short fun ride! We'll take it slow and make sure nobody gets left behind.
This ride is family friendly, but does go along side streets and crosses a few busy roads (but only in marked crosswalks.) Parent accordingly!
About 2/3 of the way through there will be some cold pop, cookies, chips. A right proper lunch in an interesting place, in other words. Please RSVP on the Facebook event page (above) so I can guesstimate how much we'll need.
(*) TO find this field, go upstairs at the station and look t'ward the mountains. Then look down. There's a pedestrian bridge that heads into a nice little field. Partway through that field the pathway branches, we'll meet there.