Cyclepalooza Volunteer Meeting
Monday, March 10 at 7:00pm
By: Cyclepalooza
Cyclepalooza is looking for volunteers and steering committee members for the 2014 Cyclepalooza Festival. If you love bikes, having fun, meeting great people and want to help create a bicycle culture in Calgary, come to our volunteer meeting on March 10.
Cyclepalooza is a community-driven, do-it-yourself bicycle festival held for ten days in June – July in Calgary. Our aim is to bring together people of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels through cycling for fun and transportation. Running for 3 consecutive years, we feature great events including hits like Bike Prom, Potlucks, Bike Polo, Scavenger Hunts and amazing bike rides of all sorts among others.
Join us to make Cyclepalooza 2014 amazing!
I can help and can do anything. Work 830-5, lots of event experience. Let me know!