Cyclepalooza Soft Serve Bike Polo!
Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm
Meet At:
Notes: we play on the Hockey Rink
By: Dab Master Crash
Calgary's hardcourt bike polo people welcome you to come play the funnest co-ed game on 2 wheels.
Newbies welcome, hecklers too, just bring your bike a helmet and some old work gloves. And some enthusiasm too!
* We play at the Inglewood Community Rink. 1740, 24 Ave SE. Calgary, AB. Games start at 6:30pm and we play until dark or tired, whichever comes first.
* If it's raining our alternate location is in Ramsay Rink (corner of . . . ) Ramsay St, SE & Margaret Ave SE
Instagram bikepoloyyc

With the rain out location has moved. Tonight we’ll be playing at
* Ramsay Rink (corner of . . . ) Ramsay St, SE & Margaret Ave SE