Cycle Tracks 2.0
Thursday, June 6 at 6:00pm. Doors open - 6pm, talk - 7-8pm, mingle - 8-8:30pm.
By: Victoria Park BIA
What does the existing cycle network mean for citizens, shop owners, and visitors to Calgary? What challenges and obstacles did the pilot track overcome? Where do we go from here?
6 pm doors open
talk 7 - 8:00 pm
Tickets are free.
There will be a cash bar and light refreshments will be provided by Hotel Arts.
Panel Moderated by:
David Low (Executive Director, Victoria Park Business Association) Formerly a self-professed mountain bike snob, David developed a passion for commuter and shopping bikes after cycle touring in Belgium. In his role with the BIA, for the last 13 years he has been studying the integration of cycling infrastructure into business communities all over North America.
Blanka Bracic (Manager, Liveable Streets, City of Calgary)
Blanka created the monitoring and evaluation program for Calgary’s downtown cycle track network pilot, which was made permanent in December 2016. Her goal is to increase people’s quality of life by offering everyday urban transportation options that are easy, safe, healthy and fun.
Dale Calkins (Senior Policy and Planning Advisor, Ward 7, City of Calgary)
Dale is passionate about equitable and human-scale cities. He is a daily bicycle commuter and a well-known urban issues commentator. Before joining Councillor Druh Farrell to work on land use and transportation planning issues at Calgary City Hall, Dale served as the Vice President of Bike Calgary to advocate for quality cycling infrastructure, including the Centre City Cycle Track Network.
Peter Oliver (President, Beltline Neighbourhoods Association)
Peter is the President of the Beltline Neighbours Association. He helped co-found initiatives for a better city to advocate for safer streets for cycling, better public transit, and more affordable housing options.
Scott Harvey (Operations Manager, Lime)
Scott is a champion and proponent of micro-mobility solutions. He joined Lime in September 2018 , and helped create the first Canadian location for Lime. Scott works closely with the municipal and provincial governments to ensure Lime can meet some of the transportation needs of residents in Calgary and Edmonton.
Werna Boek (Director of Operations, Hotel Arts)
Originally from the Netherlands, she’s practically born on a bike. Werna introduced the complimentary bike fleet for the guests of Hotel Arts and Hotel Arts Kensington seven years ago. She has been a proponent of the cycle track network in Calgary, which has made it easier and much safer for their guests to access all that Calgary has to offer on 2 wheels.
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