Bring Money

Bike Rave 5.0

Friday, June 9 at 8:30pm. Meet at 8:30pm. Likely to start riding at 8:20ish

Meet At:

George C. King Bridge @ St. Patrick's Island

Contact Info:

By: Kevin Jesuino
Grab your bicycle. Put some lights on it. Bring your music. Let's ride! We will make stops around the city. We will begin, as we always do, on the George C. King Bridge at St. Patrick's Island.

If you have a suggestion as to where we should stop please visit our FB event page and post it in the comments.  Stops are usually 10-15 minutes. We are aiming to do less stops and more biking this time.


We are partnering with Ignite Festival of Emerging Artists this time to offer up a unique one-night only event closer for BIKE RAVE 5.0 ONLY. The ride will end at the festival CLUB NIGHT which is a giant art party set to the theme of PROPHECY. So light up those bikes and costumes and let's finish this BIKE RAVE off with a strange, wacky trip to the future distopia/utopia (a.k.a. the art party). Half price entry ($5) for anyone attending with BIKE RAVE.

1. Take care of yourself.
2. Take care of each other.
3. Take care of the spaces we visit.
4. Leave no trace.
5. Consent for any activity is enthusiastic, ongoing, and can be revoked at any time.
6. HAVE FUN!!!

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