Bike Prom
Meet at Eau Claire at 6:00pm for the ride at 7! Prom to follow at 8:00pm at Good Life
Friday, June 29 at 6:00pm. Ride at 6 pm, Prom from 8:00 to 1 am
Meet At:
The Good Life Community Bike Shop
Notes: Booze to buy, bring date or no date, can't wait!
By: jackiebikes
Who can cycle without taffeta? Bust out your best tux and gown for the annual Bike Prom, presented by the Good Life Community Bike Shop. There will be dancing, corsages, photo booth, best costume contest, and much more.
A poem for Bike Prom (use at your own discretion):
I like to double you all the way home from school,
Your new haircut still looks real cool.
I like your eyes when you say something smart,
I feel funny inside when you give me a piece of your art.
You are the dreamiest, funniest and you hum the best songs,
So, shucks, uhhhh, geez, would you be my date for Bike Prom
Meet up for a classy bike ride at 6 pm at The Olympic Rings in Eau Claire Plaza (3 St. and 2 Ave SW).
Special guest "Two Days in the Desert" will be getting us into the mood for bike prom with their heart-driven vocals and bad-ass guitar in Eau Claire plaza before the ride!
Prom to follow at the Good Life Community Bicycle Shop starting at 8 pm.

A bunch of us will be meeting at 8pm at Eau Claire to do a ride before going to Bike Prom since revised time of 6pm is now too early for us. Anyone who can’t make the 6pm time is welcome to join us!
photo credit Anna Day