Bake & Bike for #yychelps
Saturday, June 29 at 12:00pm. the baking starts 9am though we'll start biking at Noon
Meet At:
My Apartment in Marda Loop
Notes: Text me if you are coming early to bake 403-714-4541
Contact Info:
By: Song and Alicia
This ride is baking goodies, packing them up and delivering them by bike to folks working/volunteering in the flood affected areas!! We'll decide where we go that morning based on where people are on the #yychelps twitter feed.
We'd love it if others wanted to join us! We'll be baking out of my apartment kitchen (located in Marda Loop) starting at 9am, and we're planning on leaving the apartment at Noon. If you want to come bake with us that's great, or you can make stuff at home and just come meet us at Noon for the ride / delivery.
Hope you can make it!