2nd Annual Victoria Day Tweed Ride
Monday, May 20 at 2:00pm. 2:00pm Registration/Tea (supplied by The Naked Leaf) & Pastries (supplied by Pascal's Pasteries and Sidewalk Citizen Bakery); 3:00pm Ride!
By: Tweed Ride YYC
The time is near for Calgary's 2nd Annual Victoria Day Tweed Ride. What the tweed ride is, is a casual, ~15km ride around Calgary's inner city where participants are encouraged to dress in tweed and by doing so may even win a prize. Need an outfit? The Costume Shoppe (4307 Blackfoot Trail SE) is offering a 20% discount off rentals and purchases for tweeders going on the ride!
This years ride will be supporting Bicycles for Humanity, who sends used bikes to developing countries. Their work supports grassroots projects that improve access to healthcare, education, water, food and employment through the provision of sustainable transportation.
We will be stopping at the Simmons Building at the 'approximate' half-way point for lemonade, cookies and a limited number of bike bells being offered by East Village in the Experience Centre. We will also be taking a group photo here so be sure to look dandy!
Wrap-Up Party: Oak Tree Tavern (124 10 Street NW) with live music, beer garden, prizes and raffle (supporting Bicycles for Humanity).
Pre-registration is encouraged. All the registration fees collected will be donated to Bicycles for Humanity. The first 50 tickets sold with either a donation of $25 (All-Out Tweeder) or $15 (Pascal Tweeder) will get a coupon for a free package of Pascal's Pasteries croissants.
Support Levels
•All-Out Tweeder ($25): Ride, coupon for free package of Pascal's Pasteries croissants and entry to wrap-up party at Oak Tree Tavern (including 1 drink).
•Pascal's Tweeder ($15): Ride and coupon for free package of Pascal's Pasteries croissants.
•Oak Tweeder ($10): Ride and entry to wrap-up party at Oak Tree Tavern (including 1 drink).
•Free-Wheeler Tweeder (Free): Come along for the ride!
Register at: http://tweedrideyyc.com/register/