Stacked Lunch - Bike Pile & Jenga Tournament @ The Sidewalk Citizen Cargo Bike
Thursday, June 28 at 12:00pm. We'll try to wrap up the tournament by 1:00
Contact Info:
By: Colin Sproule
Delicious Food & Coffee + Bike Pile + Jenga Tournament.
Ride on down to 8th Ave and 2nd street, add your bike to the bike pile (this is a bike pile: grab some delicious food and coffee and compete in a Jenga tournament!
We'll be meeting at The Sidewalk Citizen Bakery + Phil & Sebastian popup shop for lunch. The Sidewalk Citizen Bakery serves up delicious sandwiches and baked goods from their cargo bike and Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters serve glorious coffee.
The Jenga tournament will be happening during lunch and their will be prizes to be won. Bring your stacking a-game. We'll try to wrap things up in an hour or so.
Piling your bike is optional (though less fun) please come even if you're not into hot bike-on-bike stacking action.
If possible please also shoot me an email or comment on this event if you plan to come. I will be letting Aviv known if he should prepare for extra food 🙂